We are excited to announce a GoLI member challenge called GoLI Geo-Bingo!
Here’s how it will work – every GoLI member that requests to be part of the challenge by responding to this Facebook post, the identical Challenge Forum post on geocachersofli.org or via email to geocachersofli@gmail.com will receive two GoLI Bingo cards. The Bingo cards are randomly generated and unique to each player. Each of the Bingo card boxes have a Long Island zip code (except for the free space in the middle). Starting August 16th, at around 5 PM each day (earlier on the weekends) we will post the GoLI Geo-Bingo Zip Code of the Day on the GoLI Facebook page and the Challenge Forum of geocachersofli.org.
If the Zip Code of the Day is in a box on your card, find and log a cache located in that zip code and you’ll have that space filled. Alternatively, up to two of the zip codes on your bingo card in any line (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) may be completed via hide instead of find. Hides must be published on geocaching.com after the Zip Code of the Day is announced. Hides are not required. Obviously – the free space is considered already filled for everyone.
Whomever fills a 5-space horizontal, diagonal or vertical line on their card, and is first to post I GOT BINGO on the GoLI Facebook page or the Challenge Forum on geocachersofli.org will be the winner once the BINGO is verified. Please include a list of zip codes and corresponding caches found. Be careful – some towns have more than one zip code and your find must be within the posted zip code. At the GoLI inaugural event on October 13th at Eisenhower Park (GC8AT9D), the winner will receive a GoLI prize pack including a GoLI T-Shirt, Pathtag, car window sticker and whatever other stuff we find laying around the GoLI offices that morning. Sounds cool, right? Who’s in? The deadline to request to be part of the challenge is August 14th; we’ll still add you to the game after that if you want, but you’ll be playing catch-up.
Got questions? Here’s a Q&A - Q: Wait! GoLI hasn’t even had its sure-to-be-super-awesome inaugural event on October 13th at Eisenhower Park (GC8AT9D) and it’s already having a challenge? A: Yup, that’s how we roll. Q: Does my find (or hide) have to be on the same day the Zip Code of the Day is announced?
A: No. The find or hide does not need to be on the same day the Zip Code of the Day is announced. It can be same day or a subsequent day - the important thing is that the cache is found (or submitted for publication) AFTER the zip code is announced. Caches you found before the Zip Code of the Day is announced don’t count - so no running around getting caches to fill all of your card boxes on the first day and then waiting for the numbers to be announced. You should be ashamed for even thinking of doing that! Your name on the physical cache logs should be dated in the event we need to confirm there was no shenanigans.
Q: Is any type of cache excluded from this contest?
A: Nope it can be any kind of cache, including attended logs for events. Archived caches don’t count. Q: I have one GoLI membership, but there are three geocachers in my house. I also have a geocaching dog, goldfish and pet tarantula. We all want to play, so sent me bingo cards for each of us. A: Nice try pal. Two bingo cards per GoLI Supporting/Donating membership. Nothing more. Q: How will I receive my Bingo cards? A: We will upload a file that contains everyone’s cards to the GoLI Facebook page and the Challenge Forum on the GoLI Website on August 15th. Q: Can we switch Bingo cards with another player? A: Sorry, but no. After we upload the Bingo card file, everyone will see who has what cards and they can’t be changed just to keep everything on the up-and-up. Q: Who tends to controversies like whether a cache is in a certain zip code (or any other potentially life altering issues this challenge may bring)? A: MoDaRiMa and Bigedyben are running the show on this one and they have final say (heaven help us). Q: How do you select the Zip Code of the Day? A: We will feed all zip codes into an online random number picker thingy and it will spit one out each day. Q: How did you pick the zip codes to use for the cards? A: We used an online bingo card generator that allowed 100 zip codes (we used the 50 zip codes with the largest population from both Nassau and Suffolk counties). Q: But aren’t Brooklyn and Queens part of Long Island? A: Ugh. Not this argument again… Q: How do I know if a cache is in a certain zip code? A: This is how we will determine it, so we recommend you do the same: 1) search for caches using the zip code on geocaching.com; 2) identify a cache that you think is in the zip code and copy the coordinates; 3) go to google.com/maps and search for the zip code (the map will show an outline of the area it covers); and 4) now search for the coordinates and see if its falls within the zip code. Q: Are you going to be checking that I actually signed the log? A: Well now that you asked such a question, we just might. Then again maybe we won’t because you’re a Geocacher and signing the log is kinda the whole point of the game… Q: Is this challenge just for Supporting/Donating GoLI Members? A: Yes. While we want EVERYONE to enjoy the many benefits of a local organization, paid membership is necessary for us to fund the costs of challenge prizes, events and other special initiatives. Q: If I win, do I have to be at the inaugural event to claim the GoLI Prize Pack? A: If you can’t make it, we’ll figure something out, but why wouldn’t you be there? You should really get your priorities straight. Did we mention the inaugural event is on October 13th at Eisenhower Park (GC8AT9D), and it’s going to be UH-MAY-ZING?! Q: What if I call Bingo and it turns out I was wrong? A: You will be tarred and feathered! Just kidding. We will post that the game will continue and everyone will talk about you behind your back for like 5 seconds. Q: If someone posts that they got Bingo on the website forum and someone else posts it on the GoLI Facebook page, how will you know which is first? A: We are obviously omniscient. Or perhaps it’s just from the time-stamp. Q: The Zip Code of the Day is on my board, but there are no caches in the zip code that I haven’t found already or it’s too far from where I live or work. That’s not fair! A: You’re right – life is not fair. Sorry. Q: The player that won got better Bingo cards than I did and now I’m sad. How can you help me? A: This is possible given that the Bingo cards are randomly generated and unique to each player. If you think it will help, look for MoDaRiMa or Bigedyben at the inaugural event on October 13th at Eisenhower Park (GC8AT9D) and they will give you a hug. Q: I googled the zip code and it said it was a certain town, so I got a cache in that town, but it turns out the zip code I wanted was in a different part of the town even though it’s the same town?! A: Too bad, so sad (and that’s really not even a question). Q: I don’t like my cards. Can I have different ones? A: No. Q: I don’t like my cards. If I give you a million dollars, can I have different ones? A: Yes Q: I think something different would be better! A: Great! We would love to hear about it. Send us a note at geocachersofli@gmail.com Q: I have a question that you didn’t answer yet! What shall I do? A: Well, don’t be shy – post it on Facebook so everyone can see how we reply!
Sample GoLI Geo-Bingo card